God creates creatures with full of variety, and we as the only Creature who walked with two legs and the most perfect creature is not created to be an arrogant creature, we just as same as another life creature that God was created.
So the learning from another creature is begin now....

Butterflies and moths as well as some other insects and frogs, go through metamorphosis. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica metamorphosis is, "In biology, any striking development change of an animal's form or structure, accompanied by physiological, biochemical, and behavioral changes."
Complete metamorphosis of butterflies and moths involves four (4) stages:
the egg, the larva (caterpillar), the pupa (chrysalis or cocoon) and the adult.
In the caterpillar stage the caterpillar grows rapidly. Unlike humans the caterpillar has its skeleton on the outside, this is known as an exoskeleton. When the exoskeleton is too small the caterpillar sheds or molts its exoskeleton. Most caterpillars do this five times. This molting is known as an instar. Growth can be measured during each instar It is also a way to describe a caterpillars development. For example during my lab work at Tulane I had to weigh twenty (20) different caterpillars at each instar. That means that I weighed 100 different caterpillars. In the fifth instar, one of the spodoptera exigua weighed 254.1 milligrams. One of the caterpillars I weighed in the 1st instar weighed 1.2 milligrams.
Ok.. now after U see the magical of this creature, can U imagine if those metamorphosis is applied to us in different meaning...
hmmm.. the point is the metamorphosis itself... if we can grow and change to something different, beautifull, and also usefull...
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